Happy Friday!
You guys let me into your lives every day. I am a part of some of the biggest moments of your life, and I am making it a point to open myself up (I am generally a very shy, private person) and let you into my life. I will be posting blogs about myself and all the crazy, wonderful things in my life. The Instagram and Twitter accounts will have tons of fun every day moments including behind the scenes shots that show the other side of running a busy wedding photography business, so make sure you follow us and we will be sure to follow you back. If you’re going to take the time to find out what is happening in our lives and what’s going on with the studio, we want to do the same! And in an effort of being more open, today I’m doing an Introduction Friday post!
This is the face behind the camera and all the emails. I got into photography just after high school, and then took a break to get my degree and marry my college sweetheart, Paul. We moved to Columbus about 13 years ago, and welcomed our little guy, Benjamin, in 2008. I worked for years in the healthcare industry and loved it but once we had Ben I noticed that I still had a passion for photography. I loved taking photos of him, and soon started doing it for friends and family. The business grew from there and every day I am still amazed and beyond grateful that this is my job.
I am naturally super shy and introverted until you put a camera in my hand and then I am usually the loudest person at a wedding- think I’m kidding- ask the groomsmen! They always know who’s in charge! I love water skiing and when I’m not photographing weddings from May-October you can find me and my 2 favorite guys, along with our Australian Shepherd and Newfoundland, out on the water in Michigan. I am also one of those nutty people that loves to run and workout and if I go a few days without one or the other I get a little cranky. I HATE to sit still and going to the movies is basically torture for me. I love going to breweries with my husband and my favorite guilty pleasure is Eggo Waffles- I know, they’re awful- but I love them!! We can’t keep them in the house or I will eat them all… in 1 day… I kid you not! I love loud music and the windows down in the car no matter what the temperature is. When I get nervous I turn into a speed talker (which is probably why I had to retake my speech class in college). I was the biggest dork in high school, and if you ask my son, I probably still am. However, I have learned to love and embrace that dork just the way she is and don’t care what anyone else thinks. I will have dance parties at stop lights in the car with Ben hiding in the back seat and have zero problem speaking my mind. I am NOT a morning person and only function after 3 cups of coffee. I love my life, and at times I still cannot believe how lucky I am. I have an amazing husband who I’ve been with for 17 years, the coolest kid I’ve ever met calls me Mom and a couple of furry goofballs that love me even before those 3 cups of coffee. I have a career that never feels like a job and that I am pretty darn good at if I do say so myself (which is SUPER hard for me to even type! I hate the thought of bragging!) I love working in the wedding industry and the stress that goes with it. I have been fortunate to meet and work with some of the most amazing people and have the privilege of calling them friends.
So basically, that’s me in a crazy little nutshell! I’d love it if you would tell me something that makes you, well, you!

Professional head shots provided by Heather Harris Photography