You guys- it is finally Friday! Who else is ready to celebrate with me?! (Okay, full honesty- Friday is basically just my Sunday. Tomorrow is my Monday with a wedding and then a ton of sessions on Sunday but I love my job so much that I celebrate Friday!)
Today we're sharing a very special Friday Fives- My five favorite things about Spring! Are you ready for this? That image above should tell you what number one is going to be so here we go!
1- Easter Candy. You guys I love Easter candy more than any other holiday! The eggs filled with every crazy flavor? Yes, please! Starburst jellybeans- I’d eat them by the handfuls! But the best of all- Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs! Why are they so much better than regular Reese’s Peanut Butter cups?? I have no clue but they are!
2- Blooming Trees. Okay, this is a funny one because as much as I love them I am actually highly allergic to them! Crazy, right?! But it’s so worth it to see trees bursting with bright pink and tiny white blossoms. The key is to look but don’t touch though if I want to be able to- you know- breathe! Whatever- no big deal!
3- WARMTH!! No words needed but that one. I hate winter. I hate cold.
4- Spring Storms. The old saying “April showers bring May flowers” is one of my favorites because those showers can turn into some amazing storms. I love sitting on our back deck and watching them roll through with a cup of coffee (because everything is better with coffee, right?!) And the smell of those thunderstorms just screams Spring to me! Love them!
5- Feelings of renewed energy. Spring is a season of growth and rebirth and I feel that so deeply. Finally the winter blues can be chased away. The sunshine is warm again and I seem to have more energy because we can get outside more. I am more motivated at work because it’s time to get ready for wedding season which I love. It’s just an amazing time of year!
So tell me- what is one thing you love about Spring!